Homecare Services

At Affordable Staffing our main service provision is outcome focused homecare services, organised to enhance the quality of life for individuals and is based on agreed goals and outcomes. Our flexible service solution, based on an individual’s needs, ranges from supporting elderly customers to adults with specific learning difficulties or mental health conditions.

We commit that customers have:

A strong sense of being in control of their services, outcomes and care plan and can determine how and when they are supported

A regular Care Worker team, who understand and have the skills and aptitude to meet their needs Care Workers who are able to respond flexibly to an individual’s fluctuating needs and are able to change care and support plans, as required

Our Care Workers identify tasks that individuals are supported to do, so that our services care maximises their own skills and independence.

Our Care Workers identify tasks that individuals are supported to do, so that our services care maximises their own skills and independence.

Our Homecare services can include physical assistance or prompting,
with supervision, for non- medical tasks and daily living activities.

These include

  • Dressing

  • Bathing or Washing

  • Food preparation, eating or drinking

  • Assisting with mobility and transfers

  • Supervision/Prompting of Medication

  • Toileting and continence support

  • Support with using aids and appliances

  • Accompanying on community access and leisure activities.

  • Care of skin, hair and nails (with the exception of nail care provided by a chiropodist or podiatrist)

  • Cleaning and house care, including ensuring the home is warm and assistance with emergencies

We additionally provide Homecare Services within Extra Care Housing Schemes. These require additional flexibility, responsiveness and effective management of surplus care hours.

Our care workers are also responsible for the short-term needs of all residents prior to an assessed need being established.

Contact Us Today

Please call us on 07766627625 | 07944433379 | 01183271474 today or email us at info@affordablestaffing.co.uk for further details of the specialist care services that we can offer to assist you and your family.